Sunday 15 November 2009

Super Goat and baby's first curry

Up bright and early yesterday to find an unusually damp and misty day. I didn't fully know what to expect with this one as they were new customers and were a little vague about what they wanted.

Previously after agreeing the day, the lady had said "oh yes that days fine, as long as it's not the day after because I'm due to give birth" (What!! I kept the spare seat of my van free just in case) So the agreement ended up being that I turn up with a fully loaded van to give them a days work and just charge them a day rate.

When I got there they wanted the grass cutting, (about half an acre), the front herbaceous border tidying up and the fruit trees pruning (giant hands again), and hedges doing, if there's time.

So I got to use my new mega mower for the first time before I put it to sleep for the winter, I really should give it a cool nickname like Green Grass Monster, or Super Goat or something.... That thing can move, it cuts grass at jogging pace, needs emptying fewer times, stripes the grass, has a recoil start and can be left running while you do other things like ...empty the grass, move a stick, have a biscuit etc.

After I was finished they booked me in for another day for the hedges, more leylandii. (You could probably make a living just doing grass and leylandii cutting) i also tried selling the 'low maintenance border' that I've been doing, they might go for it next year.

That night we went off for a curry with friends and family, it was baby's first. It was a big chaotic shindig and she got passed around to all the brooding maids and some of the brooding men too. It was a really cool night and little one was the star as usual, waving at people for the first time and trying to hold a baby conversation with some of the other kids (which was funny), whilst having photo's taken and more thoughtful gifts, given to her.

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